Ken Blackwell and Thomas F. Farr

Op-Ed Contributors


  • Veterans Deserve Choice of Quality Higher Education

    Veterans Deserve Choice of Quality Higher Education

    Historically, Democrats have been politically vulnerable on military issues. The recent missteps President Barack Obama has made in dealing with Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) and the situation in Syria are hurting his party's chances for keeping control of the Senate in the next Congress.

  • The 'Oil Market': Time to Get Off the Rollercoaster

    The 'Oil Market': Time to Get Off the Rollercoaster

    In the midst of all this chaos, oil prices were expected to rise. Instead, they have dipped in recent months, thanks primarily to lower global demand and increased production here at home.

  • 'War on Women': Meriam Ibrahim and Faith McDonnell Are on the Front Lines

    'War on Women': Meriam Ibrahim and Faith McDonnell Are on the Front Lines

    So, as we honor Meriam Ibrahim, we thank God for the witness of human rights activists here and around the world. We thank Faith McDonnell and Bill Saunders, our fellow Christians who cry out for the persecuted church. They are the voice of conscience in our distracted times.

  • What Is The Export-Import Bank Hiding?

    What Is The Export-Import Bank Hiding?

    It seems the Export-Import Bank of the United States is once again putting up walls to keep the duly elected representatives of the American people from getting a look at their inner workings.

  • Post Labor Day Analysis: Our Freedoms Are Slowly Slipping Away

    Post Labor Day Analysis: Our Freedoms Are Slowly Slipping Away

    As Americans celebrated Labor Day and the freedom to provide for their families, let's hope they didn't spoil the holiday yesterday by pausing to consider whether government today is making their lives easier or more difficult.

  • The Struggle for Human Rights: Remembering Camp Ashraf

    The Struggle for Human Rights: Remembering Camp Ashraf

    The worldwide struggle for freedom and democracy faces enormous challenges today. Despite the promise of the United States government to support that struggle wherever it can, the Obama administration is not standing tall on the world stage. The American Legacy, as a shining beacon for oppressed peoples everywhere in their time of darkness, is being abandoned.

  • The Effects of Obama-Steyer Extremism on American Workers and Families

    The Effects of Obama-Steyer Extremism on American Workers and Families

    Last fall the United States began, for the first time in almost 20 years, to produce more crude oil than it imported. Around that same time, the International Energy Agency altered its previous predictions to show that the U.S. would become the world's number-one oil producer by 2015, producing 11 million barrels of crude a day. The headlines – and their implications – were hard to miss. American energy was making a comeback in a huge way.

  • So Why Is Hillary Clinton Not Taking Her Own Advice By Not Doing 'Stupid Things'

    So Why Is Hillary Clinton Not Taking Her Own Advice By Not Doing 'Stupid Things'

    "Great nations need organizing principles—and 'Don't do stupid stuff' is not an organizing principle." So said former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton in an interview with The Atlantic. So, why is she doing stupid things? The Washington Post called her "blunt" criticism of the Obama administration "surprising."

  • Hillary Clinton 'Shoulda Stood in Bed!'

    Hillary Clinton 'Shoulda Stood in Bed!'

    Hillary Clinton ran for president in '08 against the dovish Sen. Barack Obama. He is credited with the best putdown in the history of Democratic presidential debates. Without looking up from his notes during their New Hampshire encounter, the Senator from Cool said: "You're likeable enough, Hillary."

  • Crocodile Crock: Sir Elton John Attacks Christian Missions

    Crocodile Crock: Sir Elton John Attacks Christian Missions

    Sir Elton John is world famous and deservedly so. This billionaire singer is one of the most creative talents we have. But when he attacks Christian missionaries in Africa and other Third World regions, his message is off-key. Instead of Crocodile Rock, he's peddling a Crocodile Crock.