Kenny Luck

Special to CP


  • Integrity: The Core of Male Leadership in the Family

    Integrity: The Core of Male Leadership in the Family

    God says you have the mantle of leadership in your home. That means your leadership style surrounds, covers, encapsulates, and leaks onto the people around you. What we have learned in this is that integrity in the home begins with the integrity of our heart.

  • The Recipe for Godly Male Leadership in the Family

    The Recipe for Godly Male Leadership in the Family

    In part two of "The Mantle" series we are going to look at the connections, the relationships in a family, and the character or integrity of the family. What is mixed into your life? What is your heart full of? Is it full of business information? Is it trivia? Is it sports? Is it success or status? Is it politics?

  • What the Heck Is a Mantle?

    What the Heck Is a Mantle?

    Every man carries "The Mantle" of leadership for his family. When it comes to your family, you are "The Mantle" of leadership. It's your job — your duty — to surround and cover your wife and your children with love, affection, caring and spiritual leadership. God teaches us these Biblical truths in Timothy, Proverbs and Matthew. Let's look at what the Bible says about how we — God's men — should live our lives today with "The Mantle" of leadership.

  • Eating Men Alive: Powerful Men, Common Fears

    Eating Men Alive: Powerful Men, Common Fears

    For starters, problems seldom exist at the level at which we finally see them. There is a personal side to the public behaviors of men where, against their better judgment, track record, or public position, they choose poorly. Men are like icebergs – you only see the tip.