Lillian Kwon
LCMS Adopts Measures in Response to ELCA's Pro-Gay Actions
Delegates of the Lutheran Church Missouri-Synod on Tuesday overwhelmingly adopted two resolutions in response to last year's pro-gay actions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
LCMS Urged to Defend Abandoned Biblical Truths
The head of the second largest Lutheran body in the country greeted delegates over the weekend with a note of affirmation that they are the front-line defenders of biblical truths.
Presbyterian Delegates Oppose Ariz. Immigration Law
In response to Arizona's controversial immigration law, delegates of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) agreed to refrain from holding national meetings in states where immigrant members might be subject to harassment.
PCUSA Assembly OKs Lifting Gay Ordination Ban
Leaders in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) narrowly voted Thursday to open ordination to partnered homosexuals.
PCUSA Assembly Approves Changes to Adapt to 21st Century
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s highest legislative body voted Wednesday to approve a new Form of Government that will help the denomination adapt to the 21st century.
Hawaii Gov. Rejects Same-Sex Civil Unions Bill
Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle vetoed a bill Tuesday that would have legalized same-sex civil unions. She felt it would be a mistake to allow a decision "of this magnitude" to be made by one individual or a small group of elected officials.
Presbyterians Opposed to Suspending Gay Clergy Debate
The debate over allowing noncelibate homosexuals to be ordained is tiring, many Presbyterians agreed. But a moratorium, they felt, also would not bring any peace.
Calif. Evangelist: We're Just No Good at Evangelism
In the weeks leading up to the annual Harvest Crusade in Southern California, Laurie is prepping his mega-congregation on the what, why, and how of evangelism.
PC(USA) Elects Pro-Gay Moderator
A pro-gay marriage candidate was elected Saturday to serve as moderator of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for the 219th General Assembly.
Influential Pastor Warns of Socialism, Departure from God
America currently stands in a very dangerous position, said renowned pastor and author Dr. Charles Stanley. Today more than ever, the country is turning away from God and moving closer toward socialism, he warned.