Melissa Barnhart

Melissa Barnhart

Managing Editor

Melissa Barnhart serves as Managing Editor for The Christian Post. She graduated from Liberty University with a bachelor of science degrees in government, religion and communications. Ms. Barnhart began her reporting career while still in college by working for a local newspaper outside Dallas, Texas, where she interviewed pastors, politicians, Olympic gold medalist Jennie Finch, a U.S. women's softball player in the 2004 Olympic Games, and former President of Mexico Vicente Fox. She joined The Christian Post in 2013.


  • Iconographer's 6-Year Project Lights Up New York Serbian Orthodox Church

    Iconographer's 6-Year Project Lights Up New York Serbian Orthodox Church

    The Rev. Rastko Trbuhovich, the parish priest at St. Stephen Serbian Orthodox Church in Lackawanna, N.Y., said he's proud to welcome visitors who are flocking to his church to view the completed work of Father Theodore Jurewicz, an American painter and iconographer who last month completed a six-year project of painting sacred Christian images inside the church.

  • President Obama Calls on Americans to 'Reflect on Sacredness of Life' on Nat'l Day of Prayer

    President Obama Calls on Americans to 'Reflect on Sacredness of Life' on Nat'l Day of Prayer

    President Obama issued his annual proclamation declaring the first Thursday in May as the National Day of Prayer, a long-standing 62-year tradition that began with Democratic President Harry Truman.

  • 'Gossip Girl' Actress Blasts NY Gov. Cuomo for Supporting Bill to Expand Abortion

    'Gossip Girl' Actress Blasts NY Gov. Cuomo for Supporting Bill to Expand Abortion

    Actress Margaret Colin, who is best known for her roles on "As the World Turns" and "Gossip Girls," has spoken out against New York's Reproductive Health Act, a bill supported by Gov. Andrew Cuomo that removes restrictions on abortion, such as parental notification and a 24-hour waiting period.

  • Planned Parenthood Images 'Too Graphic' for New York Times, Washington Post

    Planned Parenthood Images 'Too Graphic' for New York Times, Washington Post

    The Washington Post and New York Times rejected advertising revenue last week from the American Life League that wanted to buy full-page ads revealing sexually graphic images that Planned Parenthood distributes to children as young as 10.

  • Boy Scouts Council in Texas Votes to Maintain Ban on Openly Gay Members

    Boy Scouts Council in Texas Votes to Maintain Ban on Openly Gay Members

    Boy Scouts officials in Houston, Texas, voted Monday to maintain the organization's policies that bar openly gay youth who seek to participate in troop activities.

  • Jury to Begin Deliberations in Gosnell 'House of Horrors' Murder Trial

    Jury to Begin Deliberations in Gosnell 'House of Horrors' Murder Trial

    Abortionist Kermit Gosnell, 72, could receive the death penalty or life in prison if jurors find him guilty of any one of the four counts of first-degree murder for killing four babies born alive in his West Philadelphia abortion clinic. He also faces charges for one count of third-degree murder in the death of patient Karnamaya Mongar who died at his clinic in 2009. The jury is expected to begin deliberations on Tuesday.

  • Undercover Videos Expose Illegal Late-Term Abortion Practices in NY, DC

    Undercover Videos Expose Illegal Late-Term Abortion Practices in NY, DC

    Pro-life group Live Action has released two undercover videos as part of their project, titled "Inhuman: Undercover in America's Late-Term Abortion Industry," that exposes late-term abortion practices in clinics from across the country, starting with clinics in Bronx, N.Y., and Washington, D.C.

  • House Members Call Out Networks for Ignoring Gosnell Abortion Trial

    House Members Call Out Networks for Ignoring Gosnell Abortion Trial

    Reps. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Steve Scalise (R-La.), and 70 other House members sent three separate letters to ABC, NBC and CBS news executives asking them to end their media blackout of the Kermit Gosnell trial, and to start covering "high-profile abortion controversies" that are of interest to the public.

  • Obama Pledges Full Support to Planned Parenthood; Blasts Abortion Restrictions

    Obama Pledges Full Support to Planned Parenthood; Blasts Abortion Restrictions

    President Barack Obama spoke Friday morning at the Planned Parenthood conference in Washington, D.C., and apologized to the audience for missing their wild party at Thursday night's gala and fundraiser. Obama is the first sitting president to speak to the organization that, as of Jan. 1, requires all of its affiliate clinics to provide abortion services.

  • Interview: Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson, 'Fame Is Fleeting; What Matters Most Is Jesus Christ'

    Interview: Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson, 'Fame Is Fleeting; What Matters Most Is Jesus Christ'

    Phil Robertson, the patriarch of the Robertson family whose Duck Commander business is the backdrop for A&E's hit program "Duck Dynasty" will release a new book on May 7 titled, Happy, Happy, Happy, in which he shares his faith in Jesus Christ, his knowledge about the founding fathers, and how he's grown Duck Commander into a multimillion dollar business.