Michael Brown and Jonathan Feldstein
You're Wrong, Planned Parenthood. Genitals Do Determine Gender
In keeping with standard transgender talking points, Planned Parenthood wants parents to teach their preschoolers that "their genitals don't determine their gender." Instead, gender is whatever you make it to be. As I've heard endlessly from LGBT activists, "Gender is not what's between your legs, it's what's between your ears."
There Is Hope for America
America is in very bad shape right now. But really now, are we as divided today as we were immediately before, during, and after the Civil War? Is it even fair to compare?
Please! As Followers of Jesus We Can Do Better
In the aftermath of the Charlottesville tragedy, what grieves me the most is that so much of the church sounds just like the world.
Charlottesville, White Supremacists, Evangelicals, Racists and Trump
If you listen to some secular media, you\'d get the impression that Donald Trump is responsible for Charlottesville and that those who voted for him are culpable as well. You\'d also get the impression that unless you denounce Trump, you are guilty of racism and are likely a white supremacist.
A Wonderful Story of Deliverance From 'Gay Christianity'
We received an email this week from a young man who, until recently, believed he could practice homosexuality and follow Jesus. He has now experienced a dramatic, life-changing conversion, and he shares his story here.
North Korea and the God Factor
Are we on the edge of a nuclear war, as some near-hysterical pundits claim? Will Kim Jong Un act foolishly, wreaking havoc on Japan and S. Korea, only to suffer a devastating response from America? What is that demented dictator thinking? The biggest question of all though is "What is God doing in the midst of this?"
Don't Let Them Silence Us!
Major players on the left are trying to silence many of us on the right. Our views, we are told, belong to a bygone, bigoted era and do not deserve a hearing. Our views, in short, must be suppressed and silenced, and those who dissent will be punished.
Does the Homosexuality Debate Come Down to Black vs White?
Homosexuality is not a white vs. black debate, as if whites were now suppressing gays the way they previously suppressed blacks. To the contrary, both in America and around the world, blacks oppose homosexual practice more strongly than whites.
Parents Are Donating Their Girls to Blow Themselves Up in Nigeria
A Christian missionary who teaches dirt poor children in Nigeria sent me a link to a very disturbing story. The army is now appealing to Muslim parents not to "donate" their children to Boko Haram to be used as suicide bombers.
When It Comes to Islam, Logic Is Put in Reverse
The Jewish community was not allowed to build a new synagogue for fear that it would be targeted by radical Muslims. Talk about a reverse in logic.