Napp Nazworth
New Polls Show Michigan, Pennsylvania as Swing States
In some of the first state level polls conducted since last Wednesday's presidential debate, Michigan and Pennsylvania have moved from lean-Obama states to swing states. The Romney campaign had previously pulled their advertising from those states to concentrate on other states.
Should Big Bird Be Subsidized?
Democratic strategists are scrambling to deploy a "Big Bird" strategy against Mitt Romney, but the debate over whether public broadcasting should continue to be subsidized has become serious business.
5 Weird Presidential Election Predictors
While pundits and prognosticators mostly rely upon polling and economic data to forecast the outcome of the presidential race, there are some other unusual models that have become part of presidential year tradition. Some even have a good track record.
Birth Control Mandate Defies Partisan Split at Heritage Foundation Symposium
A Heritage Foundation seminar on religious freedom yesterday produced two surprises: a conservative religious freedom scholar defending the birth control mandate and her liberal counterpart criticizing the Obama administration for the same policy.
Key Swing Vote 'Walmart Moms' May Warm to Romney After Debate
A focus group of "Walmart moms" conducted after Wednesday's presidential debate suggests that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney may have helped himself with this key swing vote in his effort to unseat President Barack Obama.
Documentary on Poverty Seeks to Smash Stereotypes, Refocus Election
"The Line," a new documentary by Sojourners, wants viewers to reconsider many of the stereotypes people have about those living in poverty. In a panel discussion following the film's Tuesday premiere in Washington, D.C., promoters said they hope the film will encourage voters to ask political candidates to talk more about how they would address poverty if elected.
Obama, Romney Debate Jobs, Economy, Deficits
In the first presidential debate Wednesday night in Denver, Colo., President Barack Obama argued for four more years to recover from the deep recession that began four years ago, and that his rival, Republican Mitt Romney, would return the nation to the economic policies that led to the recession. Romney argued that Obama's policies have not been working and worsened the crisis. He also said that Obama's descriptions of his plans were not true.
Presidential Debate Influence May Depend More on Media Coverage Than Candidate Performance
After President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney face each other in Wednesday night's debate in Denver, Colo., one question will generate much discussion: "Who won the debate?" Post-debate media coverage can influence both how citizens answer that question and whether the debates lead to substantive thinking about the issues, according to research.
Romney Would Allow Obama 'Dreamers' to Keep Visas
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney would not seek to revoke the visas issued under President Barack Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) initiative, which allows the children of undocumented immigrants to remain in the country.
Young Voter Registration, Interest Down Sharply From 2008
Young voters are showing much less interest in this year's election compared to young voters in 2008 and compared to other age groups, according to a new report by Pew Research Center. Voter registration is also down sharply from 2008 among young adults.