Napp Nazworth
Gallup: More Americans Identify as Pro-Choice for First Time in Seven Years
For the first time in seven years, more Americans identify themselves as pro-choice than pro-life on abortion, according to a Gallup poll.
Analysis: 3 Reasons Republicans (and Obama) Should Stop Attacking the Liberal Arts (Part 2)
Republicans and President Barack Obama should stop attacking the liberals arts. Attacking the liberal arts is both illiberal and unconservative, but many Republicans and Obama have been diminishing liberal arts education, especially the social sciences and humanities.
Analysis: Why Are Republicans (and Obama) Attacking the Liberal Arts? (Part 1)
Conservatives should be among the strongest supporters of the social sciences and humanities, yet Republican politicians, as well as President Barack Obama, do not have a high view of those disciplines these days.
Analysis: Does Gay Marriage Distract the Church From Fighting Poverty? 3 Important Points to Keep in Mind
Churches should stop spending so much time fighting against abortion and gay marriage and do more about poverty and suffering, some say. There are three important points to keep in mind when you hear this claim.
7 Absurd Planned Parenthood Tweets
What does Planned Parenthood, America's largest abortion provider, share on social media? Some of their posts may surprise you.
Ted Cruz: Many Republicans Scared of Gay Marriage/Religious Liberty Debate; Some Are Even Running for President
Many Republican politicians are afraid to engage in the debates over religious freedom and gay marriage, Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz told a gathering of pastors in Washington, D.C., adding that some of them are even running for president in 2016.
Pro-Gay Marriage Study Retracted for Using Fake Data
A study that purported to show gay marriage opponents can easily be convinced to change their minds if they talk to gays was retracted after finding it used fake data.
Being a Dad Is Awful (and Awesome! (But Mostly Awful)); New Book Takes Humorous Look at Fatherhood
In "The Dadly Virtues: Adventures From the Worst Job You'll Ever Love," a collection of opinion writers and humorists use their day job (writing) to reminisce about their most important job (being a dad).
Payday Lending 'Grinds the Faces of the Poor Into the Ground,' Russell Moore Says; New Left-Right Christian Coalition Seeks to End Practice
Faith for Just Lending, a new coalition of Christian groups representing different parts of the political spectrum, was formed to advocate for the elimination of unjust lending practices that hurt the poor.
10 Interesting Facts About Evangelicals From Pew's Religion Report
The big story this week from Pew Research Center's report, "America's Changing Religious Landscape," was the sharp decline in the number of Christians and increase in those who are unaffiliated with any religion. Digging deeper, the report contains interesting news about Evangelicals.