Rick Warren
CP Guest Contributor
Protecting Your Mind from Evil
Your mind is a special gift from God. It can potentially store 100 trillion thoughts. And it is a tool that God wants to use in your ministry to fulfill his purposes.
How to Get More Out of Your Reading Time
It is almost a cliché at Saddleback that growing churches require growing leaders. If you don’t take in truth, you can’t give it out. As ministry leaders we use a lot of different methods to keep growing. We attend conferences. We find mentors. We listen to podcasts. But one of my favorite ways to grow as a leader is to read.
Understanding Unbelievers
The longer you’re a believer, the less you think like an unbeliever. After you come to Christ, your interests and values change.
18 Ways to Motivate Yourself for Ministry (Part 2)
Last week, I shared with you nine ideas about how to motivate yourself for a particular ministry task. In this article I’ll give you nine more ideas.
18 Ways to Motivate Yourself for Ministry (Part 1)
Motivation is contagious. I never try to motivate other people. I only worry about motivating myself. When I’m motivated, I know others will catch my enthusiasm.
One Key to Successful Preaching – Become a Collector
One of the most helpful habits you can develop as a preacher is to become a collector. I’ve been a “collector” for years, and it has made my preaching much more effective. I’m not talking about a hobby.
How Vulnerability Can Make Your Ministry More Effective
There are people in your church who don’t want you to be vulnerable. They want to put a halo on you and pretend you’re never tempted. They want to believe you’re just a little bit above the crass realities of life. But that belief denies a truth of life. It’ll also keep us from having full impact in other people’s lives.
Six Physical Factors That Affect Your Worship Service
Facilities and physical environment have a lot to do with what happens in a weekend worship service.
Eternity Talk – Not Just for Funerals Anymore
The only time most people think about eternity is at funerals, and then it’s often shallow, sentimental thinking, based on ignorance.
Dry Relationship with God Will Kill Your Ministry Joy
Lasting joy in ministry comes from knowing Christ better and better. You may think that’s obvious for those of us in ministry. Well, I wish it were more obvious. It’s way too easy to just go through the motions instead of basing your ministry on a growing relationship with Christ. In fact, your ministry will have no impact if you’re not developing a more intimate relationship with Christ.