Roberto Rivera
Supreme Court rewrites 1964 Civil Rights Act
The decisions of tomorrow, when Title IX and other federal laws are completely reimagined as if biological realities don’t exist, will be made because of Monday’s decision.
The end is nigh ... or is it?
Recent events have me wondering if there isn’t “a nonzero chance” that we are living in some kind of last days.
Planned Parenthood's selling of fetal body parts exposed under oath
The claim that any money received by the organization was only for reimbursement of expenses, which federal law allows, is actually not true.
Coronavirus, depression and suicide
COVID-19 is attacking a nation already emotionally and mentally fragile. Societies like ours are, by most accounts, loneliness-producing machines.
The post-pandemic church: Will religious institutions be weakened?
People in the future will think about church in terms of “BC…Before Coronavirus,” and after.
What is God saying in the coronavirus pandemic?
The virus has exposed and accelerated issues that already mattered. Both our self-centered delusions of “living for today” and our technocratic fantasies of controlling nature have proved inadequate.
The UN’s quest to create a genderless world
The secular impulse to recreate the world, and the power of language to do just that, is strong.
Evolutionary psychology, natural selection, and human misbehavior
“Evolutionary psychology is largely based on assumptions rather than evidence, and as such it is debatable whether it should be referred to as a ‘science.’"
Secular missionaries spread their gospel abroad
Teaching Afghan girls how to skateboard and providing “creative, arts-based education,” is, in the end, shorthand for making them more “Western” in their views about women, and thus, less “backward.”
Abstaining from everything during the pandemic, except sex
When our kids return to school, they’ll again be encouraged to engage in risky sexual behavior and the risks associated with this public health crisis will be downplayed.