Rod Anderson
Atheists Lead a Tax Attack on America's Clergy
A group of Chicago pastors are speaking up on behalf of clergy everywhere in America in their latest federal appeals court effort fighting against a lawsuit that they say could cost houses of worship as much as $1 billion in new taxes.
Christ Is With You at Work, Whatever You Do
Knowing our work matters to God impacts not only our individual sense of meaning and purpose, but also the flourishing of our communities, our nation, and the world.
China Draws a Red Line Around Its Christians
Christians in China are being forced to adhere to revised regulations on religion which have led to strict government controls on their everyday lives.
The Media War on Conservative Voices
For many years I've said that, when it comes to America, I'm more concerned with the absence of light than with the presence of darkness.
The Gospel of 'Scientism'
Things sure are getting better now that science has all the answers. At least that's what one Harvard professor thinks.
A Glass of Wine a Day? Not So Fast!
Drinking alcohol for health reasons is a dangerous myth.
The Reign of Facebook!
Last week, the Senate and the House grilled Mark Zuckerberg about Facebook's use of data. Maybe someone else should have been on the hot seat, too.
Remember: Life's Goal Is in Heaven
Our culture makes death more imminent but more remote than ever before.
Turning to Prayer in a Scary World
Nearly every week some new controversy erupts, some evil act of violence wrecks our daily routine.
Turning to God in a Tough Spot
As a teen, my world had been upended by my parent's divorce. I was having to decide between two people I loved. Would I move away with my mom or stay with my dad?