Shane Morris

Shane Morris

Op-ed contributor


  • Princeton Ethicist Defends Sex Abuse

    Princeton Ethicist Defends Sex Abuse

    We say it often: ideas have consequences; bad ideas have victims. And a certain, consistent Princeton bioethicist continues to show just how true that is.

  • BBC in Awe of Creation, Misses Creator

    BBC in Awe of Creation, Misses Creator

    Imagine gazing at Michelangelo's David, and someone beside you praises the statue for having carved itself. That's how I felt watching the BBC's "Planet Earth II."

  • God and Truth. Time Magazine Sees Connection (Sort Of).

    God and Truth. Time Magazine Sees Connection (Sort Of).

    TIME magazine is running out of things to declare dead. But their latest obituary is a worldview lesson on a silver platter.

  • The Silent Suffering of Gay Men

    The Silent Suffering of Gay Men

    Ideas have consequences, and bad ideas have victims. False promises of love and personal fulfillment are no exception.

  • Bill Nye v. Ken Ham: Why the Creationism Debate Is Just Another Fish War, Won't Change Minds

    Bill Nye v. Ken Ham: Why the Creationism Debate Is Just Another Fish War, Won't Change Minds

    One of the main reasons I finally removed my Creation Museum "TRUTH" ichthus (besides that it was getting old and flaking), is that nobody other than my Creationist friends ever mentioned it. As an evangelistic tool, it floundered. And delving into the marvelous work of Intelligent Design theorists like Dr. Stephen Meyer and others at the Discovery Institute, I came to realize why. The Fish Wars, like "Creation Science" itself, seeks to address one dogmatic category error by substituting an equa