Stoyan Zaimov
Christian Post Reporter
Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump: Christian Persecution
Although Christian persecution continues to be one of the biggest human rights issues facing the world, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump have shared very few specifics about how they plan to help suffering believers.
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Election Is a Choice Between 'Bad and Worse,' Says Iranian Pres. Rouhani
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, whose government is accused of committing human rights abuses against its citizens, including Christians, has reportedly called the U.S. presidential race between Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump a choice between "bad to worse."
Baby Jesus Statue's 'Shocking' Replacement Head Alarms Worshipers
Church members, visitors, and even the priest at Sainte Anne des Pins Catholic Church in Sudbury, Canada, have remarked that an artist's attempt at restoring the missing head of a decapitated baby Jesus statue with a temporary terra cotta substitute is "shocking to the eyes."
Al Smith Dinner: Media Reports Wrong About Clinton, Trump Animosity, Cardinal Timothy Dolan Says
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, who sat right between Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton at the Al Smith Dinner for charity in New York on Thursday night, has claimed that contrary to media reports, the two candidates were "friendly and complimentary" to one another.
China Frees Pastor of 50,000-Member Church After 7 Years in Prison; Brutality Signs Evident
A Christian megachurch pastor from China's northern Shanxi province was reportedly released after spending seven years in prison for protesting against the demolition of a house church, and is believed to be showing physical signs of mistreatment.
Colin Kaepernick Inspired National Anthem Boycott Sparks Counter Mov't 'I Stand for the National Anthem'
The American Family Association has accused athletes across America who are following San Francisco 49ers football player Colin Kaepernick in his decision to not stand during the national anthem of "disgracing" and "embarrassing" themselves and their teams.
North Koreans Told Christians 'Kill People, Suck Their Blood,' Says Woman Who Started Prison Camp Church
A North Korean woman who was forced to work in a prison camp where she started a secret Christian church and won converts for the faith despite immense persecution, has revealed that people living under the regime are taught that Christians kill people and drink their blood.
'Least Religious Nation in Western World' Opens First Atheist Cemetery
Sweden, sometimes referred to as the "least religious nation in the western world," is opening up its first ever atheist cemetery, which is devoid of any and all religious symbols.
Hillary Clinton Slammed by Women's Rights Group for Saying China Ended Forced Abortions
A women's rights group has said that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was wrong to suggest to the American public during Wednesday evening's presidential debate that the practice of forced abortions is a thing of the past in China.
Atheists Slam Columbine Massacre Faith-Film 'I'm Not Ashamed,' for Alleged Lies
Atheists are ramping up their criticism of the faith-based movie "I'm Not Ashamed" that opens in theaters on Friday, accusing it of telling lies about the Columbine High School massacre of 1999.