Tullian Tchividjian

Tullian Tchividjian

Christian Post Columnist


  • The Difference Between Legal and Gospel Mortification

    The Difference Between Legal and Gospel Mortification

    I desperately want the church to be deeply reformed and re-energized by the gospel. But this comes at great cost because I believe wholeheartedly that the gospel is way more radical

  • 2 Ways to Realize Radical Obedience

    2 Ways to Realize Radical Obedience

    Because the Bible has so much to say about it, healthy Christian people have always maintained a deep concern for the pursuit of holiness

  • Remember the Duck

    Remember the Duck

    This story told by my friend illustrates well the radical discrepancy between the ways in which we hold other people hostage in their sin and the unconditional forgiveness that God offers to us in Christ.

  • Performance vs. Grace

    Performance vs. Grace

    We seem to believe success in the Christian life (however we define success) is basically up to us: our commitment, our discipline, and our zeal

  • The Tri-Centrality of the Gospel

    The Tri-Centrality of the Gospel

    There\'s a lot of discussion taking place regarding the essence of the Gospel. People are asking questions like \"What is the center of the Gospel?\"

  • Does the Gospel Scare You?

    Does the Gospel Scare You?

    Even amongst the proponents of gospel-centrality, I still hear talk about there being two equal dangers that Christians must avoid: legalism and lawlessness.

  • The Double-Reach of Self-Righteousness

    The Double-Reach of Self-Righteousness

    There\'s an equally dangerous form of self-righteousness that plagues the unconventional, the liberal, and the non-religious types. We anti-legalists can become just as guilty of legalism in the opposite direction.

  • The Gospel and The Law

    The Gospel and The Law

    I hear people say that there are two equal dangers Christians must avoid: legalism and lawlessness.

  • Suffering Does Not Rob You of Joy — Idolatry Does

    Suffering Does Not Rob You of Joy — Idolatry Does

    Job\'s maintained his joy and perspective in a season of suffering because he held onto a robust theology of grace.

  • How to Avoid Christless Christianty

    How to Avoid Christless Christianty

    The fact is, that any obedience not grounded in or motivated by the gospel is unsustainable. No matter how hard you try, how \"radical\" you get