Carson and Trump Feud About Faith
In the latest back and forth exchange between the two Republican presidential frontrunners, Ben Carson and Donald Trump, Trump argued Carson's faith is shallow.
Ben Carson took a jab at fellow Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump Wednesday night at an Anaheim, California press conference, questioning the billionaire businessman's faith in God. Trump previously said that his favorite book was the Bible, but would not or could not reveal his favorite verse.
Trump was quick to attack Carson for questioning his commitment to God and his humility, saying Thursday on "The View" that he planned to "finish" the feud himself.
"I never heard faith was a big thing … until [Carson] started running, I don't know about Ben Carson's faith, all of a sudden he becomes this great religious figure, I don't think he's a great religious figure," Trump said later that day on CNN's "New Day." "You look at his faith and I think you're not going to find so much … who is he to question my faith when I am, he doesn't even know me."