Adam Lanza's Rampage Was Fueled by Satan
Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10) Satan is real....just like Jesus....and he would love to steal your soul, kill your body, and while he is at it....destroy your entire being. Jesus gives eternal life to those who belong to Him, including the 20 innocent children who were transported by God's angels out of Connecticut as they went to be with the Lord.

Jesus called the children to Him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." (Luke 18:16) Satan hates children. Jesus loves children. Satan delights in seeing children killed. Jesus found joy in dying on the cross for children to earn eternal life for them.
Long before Adam Lanza appeared on the scene, the first Adam was causing even greater damage. God gave Adam and Eve free will when He created them. That was God's choice. It was not God's choice for the first Adam to sin. Eve's husband made that decision all on his own, with some encouragement from his wife and from Satan who appeared as a serpent in the Garden of Eden. "Sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin." (Romans 5:12) The sin of the original Adam opened the floodgates to all manner of evil upon the earth.
The first Adam helped to produce Adam Lanza, who for reasons unknown to us went on a rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Satan had a hand in the worst decisions these "Adam's" ever made. Satan tempted the first Adam....and Satan was lurking in the shadows around Adam Lanza as well. How else could you explain something as horrific as the Sandy Hook killings?
Everyone is a sinner....but some people get extra prodding from the evil one. Mark David Chapman killed John Lennon on a December day 32 years ago. Chapman claimed to hear a voice in his head telling him to "do it, do it, do it." Satan whispers to anyone who will listen to him.
We will never know what voices Adam Lanza heard in his head....or what they were telling him. But whatever was going on at the time, Adam made the decision....and acted on his wicked intentions....and decided to do it, do it, do it. That degree of cold-blooded viciousness must in some way be connected to the influence of Satan.
People want an answer for why this happened....and why Adam did it. It is a natural desire to want such a thing. But we just don't have sufficient answers. What we do have are the fingerprints of Satan all over the weapon....and all over the scene....and all over the brutal killing of innocent lives. It has his trademark.
Satan may feel that he is glorified by such carnage....but nothing could be further from the truth. Satan lost to Jesus when Christ died and rose again for our salvation. All the glory goes to Jesus. He is the Creator....along with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Satan is a created being....he is not the eternal God. He deserves no matter how far he stoops to tempt people to do evil things which in turn make them infamous.
When Adam entered the school, it was like Satan himself was entering. The evil angel had a very willing vessel through whom to work. But even in the midst of such terror and tragedy, Satan can never outsmart Jesus....on any level.
Satan cannot keep those children from entering heaven to live with Jesus forever. Likewise, Satan cannot steal your joy in the Lord as long as you refuse to hand it over to him. And Satan cannot do whatever he wants....because he is not sovereign. Only God has that attribute.
Could God have stopped the horror at Sandy Hook? Of course. Could God have stopped Osama bin Laden before 9/11? Of course. Could God have stopped Hitler before his crusade against the Jews? Of course. Could God have stopped Adam and Eve from sinning? Of course. God could have made robots instead of people....which would have left free will out of the equation....and no choice on any matter. But that is not what God did. He loved man and He wanted man to love Him back....and to do so from the heart.
Adam Lanza's free will choice has been made, and cannot be taken back. Others today are making choices in cities all over America to take the lives of innocent people. There are many events in this world that we can't seem to wrap our minds we try to figure out "Why?" God knows how we feel. He also knows what it took on His part to redeem us from this broken, corrupt, and sinful world.
Our prayers are with the families of those who lost a child at Sandy well as those who lost an adult family member. Adam Lanza has now gone down the path of Satan into all eternity. I believe the 20 children have joined Jesus in heaven. The Lord always welcomed little ones during His years on earth. Why would He stop now?