Fantasia Honors God-Sent Neighbor for Praying, Inviting Her to Bible Study

Soul singer Fantasia Taylor, the "American Idol" alumna whose maiden name is Barrino, is revealing just how much one neighbor's prayers have changed her life.
The singer, who has taken on the mononym Fantasia, took to Instagram to honor a neighbor named Angie. Now that Angie is moving, Fantasia is sharing their story with fans and says she believes God planned for them to live next door to each other.
Before they became neighbors, Fantasia recalled that Angie invited her to Bible study.
"Funny thing, we had crossed paths once before she was my neighbor. She had written me a letter to come to Bible study with some other young ladies my age, but it was around the time when things were really bad for me," Fantasia wrote on Friday. "Even in that time she was praying. God placed her and her husband right beside us. "
Angie didn't realize that she and Fantasia had moved next to one another until they approached their mailboxes one day after their initial Bible study introduction. Throughout their friendship as neighbors, Fantasia says Angie has exemplified the biblical example of what it means to be a neighbor.
"The Bible speaks about praying for our neighbors and boy does this lady do just that. My husband and I turn back around and thank our Father for sending them and placing them right beside us," Fantasia wrote. "Funny how He works. ... They are moving away and tonight I had to take her out and show her how much I Love and appreciate her and her prayers."
For some time, Barrino has been sharing her spiritual growth with her supporters. Even when she was criticized publicly, the "American Idol" alumna shifted her focus to God's plan for her life.
"God put me here for a reason," Barrino told "Access Hollywood" in 2013. "When you look on TV or turn on the radio or all the newspapers and the magazines, it was always something negative, and no matter how many things I did that were positive that never came out, so that was the hardest for me at that time. Now I really don't care anymore."