Kanye West Explains Bringing Out Jesus at Concert, Encourages People to Talk to God
Rapper and producer Kanye West recently sat down with San Francisco radio station Wild 94.9 where he discussed his decision to bring out a man playing Jesus Christ at one of his recent concerts.
When asked about the move and if he thought it would be misconstrued by fans, West responded by explaining how he went about making this happen on stage.
"I had a friend of mine that's a pastor there as we started discussing how we wanted to deliver it," he said. "My girl even asked me 'is that weird if Jesus comes on stage' and I said no, we do plays all the time with people who play Jesus."
He also elaborated on what makes Christianity a great faith for artists.
"You know what's awesome about Christianity is that we're allowed to portray God," he said. "We're allowed to draw an image of him, we're allowed to make movies about him. Other religions are not allowed to do that. So that's what's really awesome about Christianity."
The station's interviewer Rico stated that other artists such as Madonna pulled similar stunts at their concerts in the past. Kanye replied by stating that Michelangelo also did it.
"The thing is, it's a painting, it's a sculpture, it's a moving opera, it's a play, and it's a message," he said. I'm not even gonna do any comparisons with that. Because God knows where my heart is at."
He also explained some of the motives behind his actions.
"One of the things I wanted to get across with that message is that you can have a relationship with Jesus," he said. "You can talk to Jesus. In the same way that someone said Jesus is my homeboy, this is the way I would express [that message]. In the way I create. Is that you can have a relationship with Jesus."