
Movie director Andrew Hyatt on not losing ‘Sight’ of our true heroes

The Christian Post
The Christian Post

There have been so many stories over the years about someone defying the odds to achieve some level of greatness in their lifetime. So many that experts have dug quite deeply in a pursuit to find the common threads that define why someone is driven to seek high-performance and uncommon results.

While the research is sometimes conflicting, all can agree that a person who defies the odds has developed a range of coping skills, personality traits and supports, in home, school, and community that help them overcome adversity.

Dr. Ming Wang is one such person. A poor Chinese immigrant who grew up in 1970s rural China, Dr. Wang faced persecution and despair at every turn. But with the support of his family and his own unwavering determination, somehow, some way, he found his way to America to attend Harvard and MIT. And through his research, Dr. Wang developed an innovative technology that subsequently restored sight to millions of people.

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Dr. Wang is the subject of a new movie from Angel Studios called ‘Sight.’ Starring Oscar-nominated actor Greg Kinnear and Terry Chin, the film explores Dr. Wang’s traumatic past and celebrates his ability to not only defy the odds but to go beyond his natural abilities to find solutions that would make the world a better place.

“He faced obstacles at every stage,” says Andrew Hyatt, who directed ‘Sight.’ “Not only obstacles that were emotional or physical, but truly like there's no way forward there. It's not happening. It’s amazing how he even got to America, got to MIT, all these incredible things, and then to develop these technologies that have helped so many people around the world. It’s simply incredible.”

Hyatt not only directed this movie but also co-wrote the script. His award-winning resume also includes films like “The Blind,” “Paul, Apostle of Christ” and “Full of Grace.” It is his desire for ‘Sight’ to inspire others to look within themselves for the passion to pursue their dreams.

“I think his story is so inspiring that it at least causes me to look at my own life and say, OK, where are the moments?” reflects Hyatt. “I've been a little bit, oh, woe is me. It's not working out the way I thought it would. And instead say, no, put your head down, work hard, and keep going. I love that about Dr. Wang.” 

Hyatt joins us on the Crossmap Podcast to talk about this relentless pursuit of excellence when everything seems to be working against you. Listen as he explains why, in our desperate need for heroes, we should look no further than to those who have dedicated their lives to helping others in humble, non-attention seeking ways.

Listen now: 

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