New Statistics Produce Calls for Reduction in Abortion Limit
As pro-life advocates push for a reduction in the abortion limit in the United Kingdom, new statistics are being used to show the need to reduce the current limit.
The new figures, released by the Office of National Statistics, showed that babies born before the 24-week abortion limit had a better than 1 in 10 chance to survive and has produced calls from prominent government officials to reduce the current limit.
The statistics show that out of 750 babies born before 24 weeks in 2010, 92 lived long enough to see their first birthday.
The new numbers sparked new calls for pro-life supporters, who have been persistent in educating the public of the importance protecting life.
"We can no longer ignore the fact that abortion ends the life of an unborn child … as the general public become increasingly aware of fetal development, they feel more and more uncomfortable with the reality of abortion, and with late term abortions in particular," Anne Scanlan, from the pro-life charity LIFE, told the Christian Institute.
"We are delighted that the need for change is finally being recognized, and that politicians are at last beginning to question our current abortion laws," she added.
Earlier this month, a senior government figure said he would like to see a reduction in the abortion limit.
Jeremy Hunt, who recently assumed his new role of health secretary, explained that while he understands the seriousness concerning this debate, he feels that reducing the time limit from 24 weeks to 12 weeks is the right point to start with when considering the moment life starts.
"Everyone looks at the evidence and comes to a view about when they think that moment is, and my own view is that 12 weeks is the right point for it … It is just my view about that incredibly difficult question about the moment that we should deem life to start," Hunt told The Sunday Times U.K. during an interview.
Hunt did not cite any specific scientific evidence to explain his position, nor did he assume any religious motives for his statement.
"It's just my view about that incredibly difficult question about the moment that we should deem life to start. I don't think the reason I have that view is for religious reasons," Hunt said.