Ray Comfort LIVE Open Air Preaching in Huntington Beach via Google Glass
HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. — Through the marvels of modern technology anyone around the world can watch LIVE open air preaching as it happens, broadcast from Huntington Beach, Calif., says street evangelist Ray Comfort.
For more than 8 years, Comfort and his team have preached in the famous surf and party spot open air, including at the base of the Huntington Beach Pier.
Comfort said that the airing of the preaching wasn't for entertainment purposes, but rather to have people pray for those that are listening to the message.
He said, "The more that people see open air preaching in action, the more likely they are going to try it for themselves. After our tech guys ironed out a few wrinkles, we had an experimental broadcast last Saturday and it went off without a hitch. People were able to see and hear us, and watch and pray—as it was happening."
About 600 people from around the world who knew about the experiment broadcast watched and there was nothing but positive response:
• "That was fantastic! Thank you for doing this." - Christian A.
• "I'm watching in east Texas." - Tyson R.
• "Definitely worth doing. It was awesome, awesome awesome." - Antónía C.
• "Watching from Philippines. I learn so much from watching." - Mareessel L.
• "Do it often! I watched all the way from England where we are stationed and absolutely loved it!" - Michael G.
To watch the free broadcast on Saturday April 26th at 1:45 PM PST time, go to: http://new.livestream.com/accounts/7911916/events/2933858
Comfort added, "If you are in the area, come and be part of our crowd. We are at the base of the pier. Please don't answer our trivia questions to the listeners correctly and take our money, and don't argue with the hecklers. Just having you there and praying would be wonderful."