Sadie Robertson Tells Fans to Ask These 3 Questions to Find Their Identity
Sadie Robertson has come up with three questions that she believes can help people discover their identity.
In her latest video blog on YouTube titled "What Is My Identity," the 20 year old revealed that a number of people have been asking questions about how she found her identity. With that in mind, she decided to help people discover theirs.
"I'm going to try to help you and guide you into a good direction of finding your identity," Robertson said in the video. "And for me, these three questions helped so much with the development of my identity and finding that these questions are actually a long chapter in my book, Live Fearless.
The first question is: "Whose voice is the loudest in your life?" Robertson asked, directing viewers to read the Word of God.
"The world gets noisy. It's so important to get alone, grab your Bible, grab your journal, and listen," she said. "Say, 'God, I want to hear Your voice.' Hear the voice of God, speak those words over you."
The second question Robertson advised people to ask themselves is: "Whose lead is strongest in your life?"
"You can be led by your family, friends, the person you're dating, peer pressure, jealousy, fear, self doubt, insecurities," she said. "You can be led by so many different things in your life and it's so important to stop every now and then and say, 'God, am I following your lead or am I following the world?'"
The last question outlined by Robertson is: "What is your idea of winning?"
"It's so important that you find your victory in Jesus Christ because no matter what you're doing, you can find victories in every single season. You're going to go through seasons when you feel like you're losing, when you feel like you just can't get it right, where you feel like the bottom of the bottom," she said. "But truthfully, when you walk out of that season you feel like you can always look back and you've gained something."
Robertson said that she's fleshed out these questioned in her upcoming book Live Fearless: A Call to Power, Passion, and Purpose, which is due for a February release. In the description of the book, the author spoke to those who are tired of struggling.
"Dear friends, I don't know about you, but I'm pretty tired of the struggle. You know which one I mean — fear, loneliness, not knowing who I am or what I'm meant to do. ... Sound familiar," she questioned in a letter written in the description of the book. "No matter who you are, where you come from, or what your fears are, freedom is available to you. It's just a matter of saying yes. You in?"