The power of persistent prayer
Sometimes we will say, “I am not worthy to pray.” I hate to break this to you, but even on your best day you weren’t worthy.
Be anxious about everything
Ever had one of those weeks where bad news comes along like a trip hammer, one right after another? Big issues, small issues, serious issues, minor issues. Suddenly, they all pile up until the combined weight feels like a sumo wrestler is standing on your chest.
The Christian’s duty in a revolutionary age (part 1)
As Christians, we should draw encouragement, however, from the fact that we face a situation remarkably analogous to the one that confronted our first-century spiritual ancestors.
Maternal mortality and the failure to value motherhood
Whether linguistically, culturally or medically, motherhood is being attacked.
The number one characteristic of a disciple
There was a study done with 10,000 churches where they studied the characteristics of a disciple and the number one characteristic was...
Suicide and the Christian
What does one make of a Christian who has committed suicide?
Genocidal antisemitism in America?
The cultural Marxists do not want us to know our history, because a nation’s history tells us who we are. We are better than these demonstrations. We must teach our young people our history.
Answered prayer is for other people
Maybe you’ve even reached the lowest point where you now believe answered prayer is for other people and not you.
Not again: A preacher denouncing politics
This idea of an inevitable clash between the Gospel and politics is false and contrived.
Don't underestimate the power of words
Our words really matter. Whether we realize it or not or acknowledge it or not, what we say impacts people in profound ways