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Pro-life Fashion Brand partners with the Largest Christian University to share the Culture of Life message


Gallup recently released its annual public opinion poll on abortion, and the results are in.

This poll shows younger generations seem to be getting more pro-life. Generation Z and Millennials were more likely to call for Roe v. Wade’s overturn than older survey respondents.

“Our youth are growing up looking at photos of their brother or sisters 12 week ultrasound in 4-D on the fridge at home. They know that their mom is carrying a child and not a blob of tissues. They understand that the death of 60 million innocent children since Roe V. Wade is the largest Human Rights issue in the history of the world.” Stated COL1972 President Carla D’Addesi.


Carla D’Addesi and her Gen Z daughters started the one and only pro-life fashion brand to build the Gen-Z and Millenial Life Tribe and have a voice for life in the fashion arena. Their fashion brand, COL1972, gives back 100% of their profits to pro-life organizations. The brand launched in January 2019 for Sanctity of Life month. The brand has had great opportunities to share their prolife message nationally and internationally. Most recently, COL1972 co-founder Carla D’Addesi was invited to Liberty University to speak to 15,000 students about the importance of protecting all life and countering the fashion world for good. She also spoke in more intimate settings with the fashion & business schools.

“It is exciting to partner with the largest Christian University. I love sharing the vision of our small fashion company that has BIG plans for life. The students were extremely receptive to the concept of using their purchasing power intentionally to give back to the prolife movement.” Said Carla.

Another survey found that young adults have been “trending more anti-abortion” over the past decade. And 47% of young respondents, many of whom identified as pro-choice, admitted in a Marist poll that abortion is more likely to do harm to a woman’s life than good.

President Trump has stated that the youth of America are the backbone of the pro-life movement. This years March for Life was heavily attended by high school and college aged kids.


Young people bring conviction and enthusiasm to the movement, and that passion is changing the culture. The U.S. abortion rate is at the lowest it’s ever been, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And as the pro-life movement grows, that number will, God willing, continue to fall.

COL1972 Fashion brand is proud to be leading for life and doing their part in the fashion arena. The fashion brand may be coming to share their brand on a mission at a college or high school near you.

What are you waiting for? Join the life celebration @COL1972official on all social media and COL1972.com.

JOIN OUR LIFE TRIBE Culture of Life 1972 is inspired by LIFE! We are a squad, a posse, a tribe, a community. We are thinkers and doers. We are creative and adventuresome. We are generous and strong. We are blessed and bold. We are prayer warriors and faith-igniters who are united by the belief that every life has priceless value and great purpose. Everyone is welcome! Join us!