'I feel bad that I was born Jewish.' – Jesus
Do you think Jesus would have ever said that or that he was ashamed of being born Jewish?
Obviously, he would not. God chose that! He was God in the flesh.
How does a culture get to a place where one must follow the lead of so many others who reject their race because culture has deemed that entire race is racist? Who determines that? It gets there by allowing those who are embittered by the past to exploit history in a way that gives a payback to any group that decides they were mistreated in the past. It is birthed out of their own pain and anger to breed rage.
The Jews have been mistreated for centuries throughout the world with 6 million Jews being exterminated by the Germans. Why shouldn’t that race cancel all non-Jewish people and get reparations for the wrongs committed against them by the world? Have they risen up with an injustice? There are others, but this was the worst case in history.
Racial injustice took place in America and all over the world in such an outrageous outpouring. Was it spiritual? Yes! Slavery is a sinful stain upon the world, not just America. Does that mean the world should be paying for the sins of our fathers forever? NO! That in itself is unjust. Besides, this generation had nothing to do with any of the sins of our forefathers. We need to not allow the enemy to cause this division within the Body of Christ. Ask God to open our spiritual eyes to see the enemy’s deception and to walk in unity of the spirit of Christ.
Every nation has racism to some degree, because of a spirit of entitlement and pride. There are nations that have a cast system that puts one group below the other. Racism and discrimination comes in all shapes and sizes. We should ask the Holy Spirit to show us the true motives of our own hearts. Repent and renounce anything that would not be of Him.
So WHAT is the answer? The answer is that no one has ever had a choice to be whatever race they are and that no one is born racist because of the color of their skin, but this is all learned behaviors and can be changed to see this issue as God sees every individual…created in the Image of God. You are a racist if you treat another race less than yourself and have bitterness in your heart toward them because of their color. We are all equal in the site of God.
If you allow God to examine your heart you will know whether you are a racist. If you were racist in the past, you may not be a racist today, but ask the Lord to cleanse any residue of that out of your soul. Ask Him to give you a heart of love for all people as His heart of love is for them, no matter what the color or belief of that person.
Recently a woman was refused the opportunity to accept a high-level position at a media company because of something she said 10 years ago as a 17-year old. How many things did you say at 17 that you would definitely regret today? Unfortunately, we live in a social media world that records everything that can now be used against you. Culture is requiring you to have a perfect record. Thank God we do have the perfect record through the blood covenant with Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
Life is about growing and learning from our mistakes, and from others mistakes to not repeat them, both individually and as a culture. I am a different person than I was 20 years ago. I’ve learned from my mistakes and from so many others. That is the Christian life. Culture must provide opportunities for its citizens to ensure equal opportunities, especially for those who have been impacted negatively from our history. The issue is internal, within our soul, versus trying to make those who had nothing to do with a wrong pay. Making financial reparations to one race over another is not the answer, nor denouncing the race God chose you to be uniquely designed to be. Concluding that every person that is white or that is black is racists is also not the answer.
Today we are seeing an incredible over reaction to the sins of our past by cancelling culture at every turn. The woke culture has removed our statues, turned Mr. Potato head into a genderless toy and children’s books and library reading areas into an opportunity to promote racism and to twist the minds of our children to accept this way as normal. Where will it stop? Who will take a stand for righteousness? Are we not a chosen generation, a royal priesthood in Christ? A culture that can’t own its past and learn and change is a culture that will make all its citizens live in fear, shame and entitlement. That is not God’s way of making change. We must repent and in love with boldness to stand our ground in the power of Christ we have been chosen to be blessed to live in.
Is America Racist?
I do not believe America as a nation is racist. America would have never elected a black man president if we were. However, I do believe there is racism in America. I believe every nation has people inside their nation that still have racist views. The difference today compared to the 1960s is it is “under the hood” and not easily recognizable. As a white man I know I can never feel the pain that my brothers and sisters have felt who have been impacted by racism. I acknowledge the sins that we have committed. However, I also believe the Bible gives us the right approach to dealing with our sins, and instilling equality among God’s created people. Only the cross allows respect and true love to be expressed to all people.
The next time someone says you are a racist simply because of the color of your skin, reject that statement in love telling them they too were chosen uniquely just as they are to be used by God, but they must make that choice to follow Him. Acknowledge where there were sins in the past, repent and move toward God’s ideal of equality love for every human being. That is all God ever asks of us….to love!
Os Hillman is president of Marketplace Leaders and author of 26 books including TGIF Today God Is First and 31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Work Life
Pamela Hillman is president of LifeChangers Legacy Ministries