Facebook Reversed Banning Ads for Alveda King's Documentary on Abortion, But What Will Be Next?

My inbox was slammed with writer friends in a panic that Facebook is changing its algorithm again. As I scoured Google in search of answers to many questions, I too began to feel impending doom.
The new algorithm is set to encourage conversation and relationship, the original intention of the creation of the social media powerhouse. Alas, links to articles and blog posts that drive traffic away from Facebook to other sites will disappear into the immense cyber void. You may have already noted the change, favorite pages seem to have vanished.
In my search, I came across another hot topic discussing the Facebook powers that be. Earlier this week Facebook's latest discrimination was disclosed by Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece, Alveda King, a prominent conservative, Christian, pro-life advocate with Priests for Life. King spoke out against Facebook's decision to ban paid ads for a fundraising effort connected to her future documentary that uncovers the "real untold story of abortion in the United States and the history of eugenics associated with Planned Parenthood."
Facebook has since reversed the ban and allowed the message to be advertised on the mega-popular social outlet. But it lead this wordsmith, who longs to be heard, wondering, how can I voice this calling and wrestle with numbers, algorithms, trends, hashtags, and the social media Gods? How can one person overcome this powerhouse and utilize the benefits of a modern-day social platform phenomenon, to spread the good news of Jesus Christ?
And in many ways, this our David and Goliath.
Spoiler alert: David wins.
If my message is this, "God is good. You aren't in trouble. He adores you. He is for your complete and utter restoration. That is why He came and died and rose again, while you still sinned. That is the thing, the thing above all other things. Rest in Him. Yes, Jesus."
Let it be said, He will not be stopped. This precious Message for the ages has only gained in momentum. Yes, linking to my writer space was of great benefit, virality is a blessing in the world of evangelical platform. Still, I accept the challenge of continuing to spout Truth, even if eyes on screens never read it, I will not grow weary of this hope.
As long as a child dies so that one might not endure a life for which they take no interest, I will write. If there are injustices and inhumanities against this world, a world so loved by my God, He gave His only son... I will write.
Among the social media evangelists, we have found a place where words that matter, words that save, are buried behind stupid cat videos and that ridiculous post where uncle Al fell off the porch. We see more of that which we battle, instead that which we uphold. Still, please do not grow weary. Much like Ms. King we must rally the masses to bellow, "Hear us!"
Our God knows. He knew before Facebook and He most certainly will continue to know well after.
The most confusing post we might contrive is one of fear.
How can the Christians be afraid? Aren't they saved?
Our voices must be in unity, this is the stage set by our times. Your message, whether you are a writer, blogger, concerned citizen, street preacher, or stay at home mommy, will only be heard if you keep talking. Speak LIFE and promote it to anyone who listens. Remember when sharing a link, you must engage your audience. Even if you are just talking to two of your cousins in Cincinnati, if you are sharing information that holds valuable morsels of Truth and Freedom, engage!
Ask for opinions about the article. Tag friends that might also benefit from the piece. But don't drop a link and run. The algorithm will have a hearty snack on that piece that moved or inspired you, if you don't say it in the first few lines; "This moved and inspired me! What do you think?"
Paul trusted his messages to be delivered because he believed in something bigger than he. And collectively, I fully believe now is the time for believers to actively voice our Truth in Jesus and life.
A cessation over these words, words that teach freedom, grace, truth, and salvation have not been stopped so far. Let us not grow weary or settle into complacency when the platform is so immense. Let us never tire of fighting for the unborn, disabled or weak and never, not for one second, doubt our God isn't greater than the powers at Facebook.
Jami Amerine M.Ed. is a wife, mom, adoption-foster care advocate, author,
and blogger at sacredgroundstickyfloors.com where she writes about Jesus, life, and "home as sanctuary."