Remembering the 6th Commandment
I liked the idea as soon as I read about it. While gun controls are debated, there is something we can do immediately. It's #Number6—as in the Bible's sixth Commandment—"You shall not murder". The American Family Association has a campaign asking families and concerned citizens to have schools declare on their marquees, "You shall not murder". And keep it on the sign for one week.
This isn't a religious statement as much as it is declaring our nation's law. Murder is illegal.
I've been a part of school districts virtually my whole life—from student, to parent, to a volunteer. I've seen the banners declaring, "Say No to drugs," or "No bullying," and "Don't text and drive."
You shall not murder. It's something we understand, but in a world where life is fragile, a reminder of #Number6 is not just a moral imperative, it's something kids need to embrace.
While American Family Association's effort may fail to gain momentum in our schools, we can share the importance of #Number6 with those within our sphere of influence. And truly the campaign is only a short-term idea that needs to be a long-term effort. Human life is a treasure, and we and our kids can learn to value life if we teach them.
To join American Family Associations effort click here.