Chuck Colson

Chuck Colson

Christian Post Guest Columnist


  • True Lies

    True Lies

    Well, once again the media serves up the sublimely ridiculous and asks us to nod and agree. Not this time.

  • What Makes a Good Society

    What Makes a Good Society

    Good government policies matter to any healthy society. But something else matters more. Find out what that is.

  • Frankie Has Two Mommies

    Frankie Has Two Mommies

    In our search to cure disease, will we end up re-defining what it means to be human?

  • Is the U.S. Flag Offensive?

    Is the U.S. Flag Offensive?

    The right of free speech is guaranteed by the Constitution. The right to not be offended is not. But guess which right trumped the other in a California school last week.

  • Volcanoes and Hubris

    Volcanoes and Hubris

    Every now and again, mankind gets reminded that we are not in control of our own destiny. The question is, will we ever learn the lesson?

  • National Derangement

    National Derangement

    This country has lost its mind. Just ask Soren Kierkegaard. OK, that\'s a bit cryptic, but read today\'s commentary, and I\'m sure you\'ll agree.

  • Pastor, Prophet, Martyr, Spy

    Pastor, Prophet, Martyr, Spy

    There\'s a new book out about one of the great Christian heroes of the 20th century. I\'ll tell you why the book\'s release is so timely.

  • Punishing Religious Beliefs

    Punishing Religious Beliefs

    Would you give up your career rather than violate your religious beliefs? Sadly, more believers than ever before are having to answer that question.

  • Special Interests or the Common Good?

    Special Interests or the Common Good?

    Will the finance reform bill signal change for the better, or more of the same?

  • Regrettable but Necessary

    Regrettable but Necessary

    It\'s a fact of life: Freedom depends on moral restraint. Lose moral restraint, and you lose freedom.