Chuck Colson
Christian Post Guest Columnist
Deadly Utility
Will sacrificing human embryos increase societal happiness? You might find that a strange question—and you\'d be right.
Why You Think the Way You Do
Christianity has been the most powerful force in shaping Western civilization. The problem is, most Christians don\'t know about it. But I\'ve got a solution.
Game Plan for Life
What better Christmas gift to give to a rabid football fan than a book by Coach Joe Gibbs? Especially since the gift Gibbs writes about is an eternal one.
Global Warming as Religion
You don\'t think that man-made global warming has become a religion? Well, a British judge certainly does.
Just the Beginning
Friday, November 20, was one of the most remarkable and memorable moments of my life. I\'ll tell you why.
Childishness and Tolerance
We\'ve talked a lot in the past several days about the Manhattan Declaration and why we must defend religious liberty. Today, I\'ll give you a case in point.
True Thanksgiving
What are you thankful for this day? More importantly, to whom are you giving thanks?
Keep Your Opinions to Yourself
Do you have an opinion on same-sex \"marriage\"? If you\'re against it, you\'d better keep it to yourself. At least that\'s what the gay lobby wants you to believe.
Defending Life, Marriage, and Freedom
Today, I will tell you how you can take a stand for the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and religious freedom.
Stand Up for Religious Freedom
Today\'s commentary may be one of the most important we\'ve produced in the history of our worldview ministry. I\'ll tell you why.