John Stonestreet

John Stonestreet

Op-ed contributor

John Stonestreet is the President of the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview, and co-host with Eric Metaxas of Breakpoint, the Christian worldview radio program founded by the late Chuck Colson. He is co-author of A Practical Guide to CultureA Student's Guide to Culture and Restoring All Things.


  • Why No One Hears Arguments for Marriage

    If you have the impression that most arguments for traditional marriage fall on deaf ears, you may be right. This is true even when we're careful to avoid biblical or theological language in our arguments. But make them anyway.

  • Grace AND Truth: Maundy Thursday & the Marriage Battle

    Grace AND Truth: Maundy Thursday & the Marriage Battle

    I keep hearing that if we stand for truth, we risk alienating people from the Gospel. But we don't need to choose between truth and love.

  • American Girl Dolls: Divorce and the Legacy of the '70s

    American Girl Dolls: Divorce and the Legacy of the '70s

    American Girl dolls teach history and tell stories at the same time. But Julie from the '70s hits too close to home.

  • A Surrogate Mom's Courage: A Baby Is Not a Product

    A Surrogate Mom's Courage: A Baby Is Not a Product

    When you pay that much for a baby, naturally you want a return policy. One couple did, but the surrogate said $10,000.

  • Ban Internet Porn ... Can They Do That?

    If the Moral Majority had thought of this, the media would be flipping out. If Mitt Romney had proposed this, then they'd say we're on the verge of a new Dark Ages. But the idea comes not from conservative Lynchburg or Provo but from liberal Iceland. Tiny Iceland has a big problem—violent, hardcore internet pornography. That's why some officials want to block access to it.

  • The Media Doesn't Get Religion

    Scarcely, a month goes by without some major news outlet referring to Evangelicals as "Evangelists." Similarly, these outlets often use the word "evangelical" and "fundamentalist" interchangeably, and their work suggests that most of what they know about us is limited to what they have gleaned from the world of politics.

  • Babies and Bucketlists: Putting Off That First Child (Part 2)

    People are waiting longer and longer to have their first child. Good thing? Bad thing? Christian thing?

  • Waiting, Waiting, Waiting: First-time Parents Getting Older (Part 1)

    It's not news that people are waiting longer and longer before they marry and have children. What's becoming news are the consequences.

  • A Benediction for Post-Christian America

    Despite controversy or recriminations, Christians must stay in the arena, engaged in public life. Our posture in the midst of these divisive issues is important, but so is our presence. It's distracting, some say. The real task is to preach the Gospel. That's missing a very important point.

  • Let's Get on With It: Building Coalitions for the Kingdom

    Near the end of his life, Chuck felt clearly that he needed to utilize his unique ability to bring Christian leaders and organizations together, and to inspire them to work together for the Kingdom instead of apart.