Ken Blackwell and Edwin Meese III

Ken Blackwell and Edwin Meese III

Op-ed contributor


  • Psychological Association Delivers 'Snake Oil' Sociology In Latest Brief on Marriage

    Psychological Association Delivers 'Snake Oil' Sociology In Latest Brief on Marriage

    The American Psychological Association and the American Sociological Association submitted friend of the Court briefs in the Windsor case. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled portions of the federal Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional. If the Windsor Court majority relied on those briefs, it was reliant on snake oil, not science.

  • Another Dred Scott Ruling?

    Another Dred Scott Ruling?

    As the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to consider whether to overturn the marriage laws of all the states—as some activist federal judges have already done in some of the states--conservatives are naturally calling for judicial restraint.

  • Susan Rice: Choking on a Gnat Over Netanyahu Comment

    Susan Rice: Choking on a Gnat Over Netanyahu Comment

    Now, Ambassador Rice is making news again. She told PBS's Charlie Rose that the address by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Congress slated for this week "injected a degree of partisanship" into the U.S.-Israeli alliance that was "destructive to the fabric of the relationship."

  • Nations Mayors Drink the Ex-Im Kool-Aid

    Nations Mayors Drink the Ex-Im Kool-Aid

    The group has supported the bank in the past and passed a resolution in favor of renewing Ex-Im's charter last June as the debate over the it's reauthorization raged in Congress.

  • David Axelrod: Obama Was For Gay Marriage In 2008

    David Axelrod: Obama Was For Gay Marriage In 2008

    Axelrod writes that he knew Obama was in favor of same-sex marriages during the first presidential campaign, even Obama publicly said he only supported civil unions, not full marriages.

  • The Energy Deniers

    The Energy Deniers

    We hear it all the time from the liberal left: those of us who legitimately question man's impact on alleged global warming and call out the scandal plagued, phony facts used to support their hypothetical theories, are routinely labeled as, "Climate Deniers."

  • Energy Security: Now Is the Time to Act

    Energy Security: Now Is the Time to Act

    With the new year comes a new Congress, and, as always, energy policy will be a major priority for this 114th session.

  • Interview: Maryam Rajavi Discussing Nuclear Talks With Iran and Why It's a Bad Idea

    Interview: Maryam Rajavi Discussing Nuclear Talks With Iran and Why It's a Bad Idea

    Winston Churchill famously said "Jaw-Jaw is better than War-War." He was right, of course. But with Iran, the mullahs have made War-War while engaging us in Jaw-Jaw.

  • Hillary's Day of Infamy

    Hillary's Day of Infamy

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt appeared before a joint session of Congress on this day in 1941. Looking stern and resolute, the President wore a black armband, as if to memorialize the thousands of U.S. sailors, Marines, Army and Coast Guard personnel who had been killed and wounded the day before in a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.

  • Sounding the Alarms On Obama's Amnesty Agenda

    Sounding the Alarms On Obama's Amnesty Agenda

    Now that President Barack Obama announced his intentions to violate the Constitution and grant amnesty to 5 million illegal aliens through executive amnesty, Congress is in a rush to respond.