Mark Earley
Taking a Sabbath from Technology
Can you imagine a whole 24 hours without turning on the TV, checking emails, or using your cell phone? Well, don\'t try to imagine it. Do it!
'Seven Pounds'
As one of my colleagues observed, Seven Pounds could have been a very different kind of film.
Evangelicals and Politics
Is it time for evangelicals to opt out of politics? One leading columnist thinks so. But I disagree.
Heroes for Life
As Chuck Colson shared yesterday, these are troubling times for human dignity and the pro-life movement.
Church Growth in Tough Times
Yes, these are tough times, but the Church thrives in tough times.
Practicing Pure Religion
The Book of James tells us that pure religion is looking after the needs of the orphan and the widow.
Bella Babies
When Christian actor Eduardo Verastegui devoted his career to serving God, he had no idea what might come out of his decision.
To Cut or Not to Cut?
Chaplains are indispensable in this process because they are the ones who provide vital services that no other corrections personnel are trained or have time to provide.
Call + Response
The call of another group of slaves goes out in a new documentary film called Call + Response. You need to see it.
Behind 'Bella'
Nearly 2,000 years ago, Mary said yes to God.