Mark Earley

Mark Earley

Christian Post Guest Columnist


  • A Secular Holiday

    A Secular Holiday

    It\'s that time of year again—the time when the grinches of secularism tie themselves in knots trying to strip Christmas of its Christ-centered content.

  • Doing Right and Doing Well

    Doing Right and Doing Well

    Our prisons and jails hold approximately 2.3 million people behind bars, at an estimated cost to you and me of $55 billion a year.

  • Hope for Grown Children of Divorce

    Hope for Grown Children of Divorce

    This Christmas nearly one quarter of young adults between 18 and 35 will have to decide which parent to visit for the holidays

  • Return to Narnia

    Return to Narnia

    Now is a good time to dust off a printed copy of the second of C. S. Lewis\'s Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian.

  • When Life Tops the Movies

    When Life Tops the Movies

    In what one newspaper calls a \"discovery straight out of an Indiana Jones movie,\" archaeologists in modern-day Jordan believe that they have found the real King Solomon\'s mines.

  • When It's All Over

    When It's All Over

    The election is almost over, but there\'s still time to get involved for the candidate of your choice. But just as important is what we do after the day of the election.

  • Stolen Childhood

    Stolen Childhood

    The next time you are watching your kids play soccer, I would like you to think about some other kids, halfway around the world, and their soccer balls.

  • Christians and Money Management

    Christians and Money Management

    It\'s been a rough month financially for everyone. We\'ve watched the stock markets plunge and our retirement or college plans shrivel up like autumn leaves.

  • An Rx for Tyranny

    An Rx for Tyranny

    A recent California Supreme Court ruling has significantly eroded our right to follow our consciences.

  • Making Marriage 'Fireproof'

    Making Marriage 'Fireproof'

    It\'s not every day I give a low-budget film \"two thumbs up.\" But today I do.