Michael Brown

Michael Brown

Op-ed Contributor

Dr. Michael Brown (www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test? Connect with him on FacebookTwitter, or YouTube.


  • Parsing Alyssa Milano’s call for a ‘sex strike’

    Parsing Alyssa Milano’s call for a ‘sex strike’

    The internet is having a great time responding to Alyssa Milano’s call for a “sex strike” until Georgia’s fetal heartbeat bill is overturned. But while it’s easy to mock her words, they deserve to be parsed carefully, since they articulate the pro-abortion philosophy of the left.

  • Choose life!

    Choose life!

    In recent decades, America has increasingly chosen a path of death, from abortion to violent video games, and from euthanasia to TV shows glorifying vampires and zombies. How can we turn the tide?

  • It turns out we weren’t crazy after all

    It turns out we weren’t crazy after all

    It turns out that we were not imagining things when we complained about the social media giants’ unequal practices. It turns out we weren’t just being paranoid. It turns out we weren’t crazy after all.

  • Reflecting on the death of a progressive Christian

    Reflecting on the death of a progressive Christian

    My ministry reached out to her on more than one occasion to dialogue about our differences, but without success. At no point, though, did I question Rachel’s sincerity.

  • The Canadian government is now a dangerous big brother

    The Canadian government is now a dangerous big brother

    This is too urgent. Too disturbing. In a totalitarian regime, it’s a parents’ worst nightmare. Allow me to jar you with a totally accurate, non-exaggerated headline: “Orwellian Attack on Parental Rights: Court Warns Father He'll Be Arrested if He Calls His Daughter a Girl.”

  • Why Time magazine and the left love Pete Buttigieg

    Why Time magazine and the left love Pete Buttigieg

    Did you see the front cover of Time? It features a picture of Mayor Pete Buttigieg and his “husband,” with the caption, “First Family.” Why this exaltation of a fairly obscure, outlying political figure?

  • Jesus was not a Palestinian

    Jesus was not a Palestinian

    Let’s set the record straight. Jesus was a Galilean Jew, not a Palestinian Muslim. He celebrated Passover, not Ramadan, and he was called “Rabbi” not “Imam.”

  • The Jewish people are like everyone else, only more so

    The Jewish people are like everyone else, only more so

    The Jewish people are like everyone else, with strengths and weaknesses, good qualities and bad qualities. At the same time, the Jewish people often have a disproportionate influence on society, for good or for bad.

  • Abortion hurts men too

    Abortion hurts men too

    What we often forget, is how devastating abortion can be to the fathers. Men have consciences too.

  • To the American Jewish community: The synagogue shooter was not a Christian

    To the American Jewish community: The synagogue shooter was not a Christian

    I don’t care what this demented young man claims. I don’t care how much scripture he can quote or how much Christianese he uses. The man is not a Christian.