Michael Brown
Dr. Michael Brown (www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test? Connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.
The House passes a weakened resolution rather than condemning anti-semitism
The House’s resolution condemning anti-Semitism waters down the rebuke of Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitic comments in a sea of widespread condemnation of other “hateful” conduct.
Amazon's book banning crosses a dangerous censorship line
With the news last week that Amazon has banned Mohammed’s Koran: Why Muslims Kill for Islam, co-authored by British activist Tommy Robinson and Peter McLoughlin, Amazon has crossed a very dangerous and precarious line.
Will the Democratic Party turn anti-Semitic?
As the Democrats move farther left, they will become increasingly hostile to Israel. And as they become increasingly hostile to Israel, they will buy into larger, anti-Semitic tropes.
Why are so many millennials drawn to socialism?
Why would so many young people who have been so materially blessed by capitalism be so fascinated by socialism?
We’re trashing our humanity as we trash baby parts
I believe that the abortion issue's greatest danger is not necessarily to the unborn, but to the living who are stripping themselves of their humanity by their own will.
Did you see her fetus bump?
For many years now, abortion activists have been careful to use the word “fetus” rather than “baby,” since it’s a lot easier to abort a fetus than to kill a baby.
Hollywood gives abortion an R rating
According to the world, the act (of abortion) itself should be shouted and celebrated. The act itself is liberating not disturbing. But images of the act are too disturbing to view without parental oversight.
Did African Methodists save their denomination or perpetuate its bigotry?
Earlier this week, the United Methodists “rejected an effort by more progressive members of the global church to lift the denomination's ban on same-sex marriage and LGBT clergy.” Had the vote been left to American United Methodists, the new measure would have passed.
All 6 Democratic presidential candidates vote for infanticide
There is no spin that can be put on this. No justification. No explanation that softens the blow. On February 25, 44 Democrat senators, including all 6 declared presidential candidates, voted against the Born Alive Protection Act. Put another way, they voted for infanticide.
A day of mourning, a day of sending
On Saturday, two major events took place, one in Orlando, Florida, and the other in Albany, New York. Both were sponsored and led by evangelical Christians, both events drew thousands, but the fact they took place on the same day was entirely providential.