R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
An Amazing Article on Abortion in New York Magazine
In "The Abortion Distortion - Just How Pro-choice is America, Really?," writer Jennifer Senior offers an incredibly insightful and important essay on the moral status of abortion in the American mind.
The Real Anglican Tragedy
The real question that confronts the Anglican Communion is whether their churches will bless homosexuality.
What Do You Really Believe About Human Dignity, Dr. Collins?
The defense of human dignity is the responsibility of all human beings, but certain individuals bear a special responsibility due to position or influence. This is certainly the case with Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health.
The Swiss Ban Minarets
Sunday's vote represents a clear victory for the Swiss right and serves notice that the citizens of Switzerland are concerned about the growing influence of Islam in their country.
The Blur of Gender
Just eleven days after running a story on gender-bending teenagers on the front page of its "Style" section, The New York Times is back with yet another front page story in the same section, this time on gender-bending young adults.
When Morality Collapses
Is our moral discourse now limited to distinguishing between what some psychologist or psychiatrist considers as well acts and unwell acts? That is all we have to say in light of a mass murder?
Why I Signed The Manhattan Declaration
I am not inclined to sign manifestos or petitions. But I signed The Manhattan Declaration.
Cartooning the Word
In all likelihood, most people would never even imagine a cartoon version of Genesis. Nevertheless, the cartoon version has arrived, and it is attracting no small amount of attention.
Woof 'n Worship? Seriously?
Gillian Flaccus offers a very interesting report on the "Canines at Covenant" service and the larger phenomenon of "pet-centric" services. Her report also points to a deep theological confusion that these services bring to light.
Boys Wearing Skirts to School? What's Going On?
Boys are forbidden to wear muscle shirts and saggy pants. But what happens when a boy wants to wear a skirt?