R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
A Tale of Two Atheists
The Wall Street Journal's debate was not, as advertised, a debate between an atheist and a believer. Instead, it was a debate between two different species of atheists.
The Heavens (and the Hubble) Are Telling the Glory of God
This generation has glimpsed the grandeur of the creation like no generation before us.
Why Moralism Is Not the Gospel - And Why So Many Christians Think It Is
Far too many believers and their churches succumb to the logic of moralism and reduce the Gospel to a message of moral improvement.
The NIV Announcement - A Statement
The "unfreezing" of the NIV is inevitable. Evangelicals must be committed to the translation of the Bible into the vernacular language of contemporary people.
Are We a Nation of Hindus?
Recent poll data show that conceptually, at least, we are slowly becoming more like Hindus and less like traditional Christians in the ways we think about God, our selves, each other, and eternity.
Wearing the Disguise of Faithfulness
Meeting barely a month after the Episcopal Church voted to end its ban on the consecration of openly homosexual bishops and the blessing of same-sex unions, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America [ELCA] has taken similar steps.
Rethinking Abortion: Two Unexpected Witnesses
As a nation, we have debated any number of issues beyond abortion in recent years, but abortion remains the controversy that is most central, unavoidable, and deeply personal.
It Promises Far Too Little - The False Gospel of Prosperity Theology
Prosperity theology is not new, and it comes to the attention of the secular media again and again.