Rachel Alexander

Rachel Alexander

CP Op-Ed Contributor


  • Governor Brewer Betrays Conservatives, Forces Through Huge Obamacare Medicaid Expansion

    Governor Brewer Betrays Conservatives, Forces Through Huge Obamacare Medicaid Expansion

    Once considered a conservative governor due to signing SB 1070, which toughened up illegal immigration laws, Arizona's Governor Jan Brewer has now destroyed that reputation.

  • Suspicions Confirmed: Academia Shutting Out Conservative Professors

    Suspicions Confirmed: Academia Shutting Out Conservative Professors

    Conservatives have long suspected there is discrimination against conservative professors in academia, and now there is evidence to prove it

  • Shared Parenting: Leading Women Speak Out in Favor of Father's Role

    Shared Parenting: Leading Women Speak Out in Favor of Father's Role

    A new group is emerging that may finally change the way Family Courts treat mothers and fathers.

  • Libya Deja Vu: Arming Syrian Rebels Likely to Usher in al Qaeda

    Libya Deja Vu: Arming Syrian Rebels Likely to Usher in al Qaeda

    As bad as the Assad family is, it may be the lesser of two evils. The Assads have never launched chemical weapons against Israel during their 43 years of rule, a detente due to Israel's reputed nuclear arsenal. If the rebels take over, especially if al Qaeda has infiltrated them, they may not respect the detente.

  • Obama's Triplegate: It's Like Saul Alinsky is Running the Country

    Obama's Triplegate: It's Like Saul Alinsky is Running the Country

    With three full-blown scandals currently surrounding the Obama administration, there are too many "-gates" to name just one. The level of corruption is so high right now; it is like Saul Alinsky is running the White House.

  • Liberals AreTurning on Obama Over Military Policy

    Liberals AreTurning on Obama Over Military Policy

    Obama has gotten a relatively free pass as president, no doubt due to the intrigue of being the first black president. Congressional investigations into his administration go nowhere. The liberal media minimizes any wrongdoing by the administration and finds a way to spin it against Republicans instead.

  • Anti-Americanism Increasing at the United Nations

    Anti-Americanism at the United Nations is now routine. Every few days, some kind of statement comes out of the United Nations condemning the United States. It is impossible to keep up with the criticisms because there are so many. U.N. hostility toward the United States reached an all-time high in 2001, when the United States was removed from the U.N. Human Rights Commission.

  • White House Handling of Boston Bombing Draws Suspicion

    White House Handling of Boston Bombing Draws Suspicion

    The country is reeling from the latest terrorist attack, which killed three Americans and injured hundreds more at the Boston Marathon on April 15th. The Obama administration knew ahead of time about the brothers' ties to radical Islam. Russia warned the U.S. in 2011.

  • The Power of Being 'Offended' in Order to Stifle Political Debate

    The Power of Being 'Offended' in Order to Stifle Political Debate

    The offended attitude ploy has become stifling. The left has brainwashed thousands of people across the country into seeking out chances to be offended. Meanwhile, these same people who act hysterically offended by a differing political view will pay $90 to attend a comedy show, laughing the hardest of anyone at the comedian's racist, misogynist, and obscene jokes.

  • Progressives 'Bully' GOP, Authorities Using Spy Techniques

    Progressives 'Bully' GOP, Authorities Using Spy Techniques

    Republicans have been so busy attacking each other lately that little attention is being paid to the antics of the left. The far left activists, including the Occupy movement and Anonymous, have been quite busy.