Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort

Op-ed contributor


  • Bonobos are our closest DNA relatives

    Bonobos are our closest DNA relatives

    Be careful what you believe when it comes to what believers in evolution tell you.

  • Life is a curveball

    Life is a curveball

    As much as we long for the coming Kingdom, we have to resign ourselves to the pains of this fallen creation. The world attributes these continual trials to “Murphy’s law,” meaning, “What can go wrong, will go wrong.”

  • Scientific facts in the Bible

    Scientific facts in the Bible

    Before you laugh at stupid Christians, ask yourself if there is any proof that its claims are true. The following is compelling evidence that the Bible is no ordinary book.

  • God, sex and the far country

    God, sex and the far country

    I dare say that not too many sermons have been preached about the fact that the Prodigal Son spent his money on sex

  • A letter from an atheist

    A letter from an atheist

    This is an excerpt of an email an atheist once sent me. Imagine the horrors Hell must have in store if the bible is true. You’re just going to allow that to happen and not care about saving anyone but yourself?

  • Does the Bible say a rape victim must marry her rapist?

    Does the Bible say a rape victim must marry her rapist?

    There are some who believe that the Scriptures say that the victim of the rapist had to marry him.

  • Is Hell-fire preaching effective?

    Is Hell-fire preaching effective?

    Preaching the reality of Hell, without using the Law to bring the knowledge of sin, can do a great deal of damage to the cause of the gospel.

  • Question to make evolutionists reconsider

    Question to make evolutionists reconsider

    Next time you’re discussing evolution with an unsaved friend over lunch, you could ask a few questions about the evolution of the chicken (or whatever it was before it fully evolved).

  • Our atheist presidents?

    Our atheist presidents?

    Atheists are doing their best to remove God from our nation’s future, and have even rewritten history to try to erase Him from our past. They maintain that to date the United States has actually had four presidents who were atheists.

  • Should I preach the Gospel in a Muslim country?

    Should I preach the Gospel in a Muslim country?

    Someone asked me the following question: “Is it wise to have open-air preaching in an Islamic country like Malaysia?"