William Vanderbloemen
How to overcome an unexpected succession in your church
No church is immune from surprise succession. While a surprise succession may never be the reality for your church, it is best to take the time now to prepare for the unexpected.
The future of pastoral leadership: Mission over message
Staff leadership, shepherding, vision-casting, and sermon preparation come with new challenges and opportunities in a post-COVID-19 world.
Hyper-localization is the new normal in pastoral ministry
The future of ministry effectiveness is not going to be about having the best sermon but having the most localized message.
Dear Dr. Zacharias, thanks for letting us THINK!
Zacharias’ ability to cross denominations, tribes, and lines was uncanny and is worth noting. And it is one that a scant few have replicated.
Reopening small and mid-sized churches: A discussion on leading after COVID-19
When the government announces that groups of 200 can gather, 85% of churches in America will be able to gather again. How do you reopen safely?
Reopening churches: Leading children and family ministry after COVID-19
I spoke with a panel of church leaders as they discussed common questions regarding this and the path forward after COVID-19.
7 keys to reopening your church after COVID-19
I convened a number of highly esteemed church leaders in a webinar to explore the path to moving forward after COVID-19.
America’s oldest megachurch just hired its new pastor on Zoom
For over a decade, we have helped run searches for churches, nonprofits and values-focused corporations, but I’ve never seen anything like this.
How is the Church gathering during social distancing? A report from the front lines
So what is a pastor to do when there’s a greater desire than ever to hear a message of hope, but the solution seems to be not to gather together?
8 indispensable tips for confronting your boss
People are difficult to work for. The No. 1 reason why? Because they are people.