Is your soul completely devoid of joy?
Do you find yourself so busy chasing after worldly pleasures that your soul is completely devoid of joy?
‘Jesus is Lord’? A tale of 2 rallies
Two rallies over the last week presented a series of revelatory moments that should burn themselves into Christians’ minds.
Ask Chuck: How to wisely invest in your children
What advice would you give for using money to impact our children and build a strong family? We have limited funds and want to be wise as well as strategic.
How to best share your faith with your Muslim neighbor
Let’s explore how to befriend Muslims and share your faith with them.
There's nothing ‘democratic’ about dumping the Electoral College
If America were to move to a national popular vote, presidential candidates would be selected by the population of the three or four highest-density population states, while the lower-population states would have no impact at all.
Why nobody has friends anymore
Christians are people called to celebrate what’s good and restore what’s broken in the world. Friendship is one of those goods, and its decline has left people broken.
Why progressivism hates repentance
Why does progressivism hate repentance? Let me give you three reasons.
The lasting fruit of a true move of God
This is God’s answer to the critics and mockers. This is the lasting fruit of a true move of God.
No 'neutral' assumptions? Either for or against Christian faith
There are no “neutral” assumptions; one’s presuppositions are either for or against the Christian faith.
There's no Plan B: God’s plan for reaching prisoners
It’s a tragedy that 60% of Americans who regularly and intentionally engage with Scripture don’t hold incarcerated men and women in their hearts.