Nathan Black

Christian Post Reporter


  • Support for Same-Sex Civil Unions, Not Marriage, Up

    Support for Same-Sex Civil Unions, Not Marriage, Up

    Support for same-sex civil unions is on the rise with nearly three in five Americans currently favoring it. Last year 54 percent favored it, and six years ago only 45 percent supported it.

  • House Approves Hate Crimes Provision in Defense Bill

    The House voted Thursday in favor of expanding hate crimes protection to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. The bill was attached to the 2010 Defense Authorization bill.

  • Street Preachers File Suit Against Discriminatory Arrest

    A Christian legal firm filed suit Wednesday on behalf of two Christian men who were arrested for witnessing on the streets. Mark Frost and Jayson Gardner were charged last year under a N.H. law against "unreasonable or loud" noise.

  • Documentary on Gospel Dividing America Hits Big Screen

    Churches are buying hundreds of tickets to get their flocks and unchurched friends to see the newly released "Lord, Save Us From Your Followers." The documentary explores the question "Why is the gospel of love dividing America?"

  • Texas Gay Couple's Divorce Lawsuit Draws National Spotlight

    A married gay couple's divorce case has made Texas another battleground for marriage. Though the couple, who married in Massachusetts, is simply seeking a divorce, their case became politicized with same-sex marriage advocates and opponents entering the debate.

  • Judge Orders Prop. 8 Proponents to Release Private Records

    Traditional marriage supporters who led California's campaign to ban same-sex marriage have been ordered by a federal judge to turn over their private e-mails, memos and other internal documents to lawyers seeking to overturn the ban.

  • Lodi Council Permits Jesus Prayers

    The Lodi City Council voted unanimously on Wednesday to allow prayers to be said in Jesus' name before council meetings.

  • Ga. Community Defends Bible Verses in Football Games

    Ga. Community Defends Bible Verses in Football Games

    Hundreds of people joined a rally Tuesday night to support Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe High School cheerleaders and their right to paint Bible verses on banners.

  • Report: Over 350 Public Schools Teaching the Bible

    More than 350 schools in 43 states have implemented courses on the Bible for the 2009-2010 academic year, a new report reveals.

  • Chuck Colson Denounces Therapeutic Church Model

    The church has fallen into a therapeutic model, says one prominent evangelical. In an interview with Time magazine, Chuck Colson denounced the "feel-good kind of Christianity" he sees being promoted in churches.