Aarati Shah
Christian Post Contributor
'Avengers 3' Rumours – What Does The Future Hold For Captain America & Thor?
For some time now, rumours have been doing the rounds that the 'Avengers 3' film, "Infinity Wars II," will see the last of Steve Rogers as Captain America. Some say that a new Captain America will rise and Thor will also meet his end.
'Supernatural' Season 11 Episode 8 Spoilers: Visit From Sam's Imaginary Friend Takes a Deadly Turn
The upcoming eighth episode of season 11 of "Supernatural" promises to be a most interesting one. This episode deals with the manifestation of Sam's imaginary friend, Sully, who can be seen by both Sam and Dean. Titled intriguingly "Just My Imagination," the episode promises to show Sam and Dean's childhood.
'Jessica Jones' Spoilers – A Reluctant, Guilt-Ridden Superhero Makes Marvelous Viewing
Superheroes have invaded the movies and now, they are crowding television. CW has "The Flash" and "Arrow," its two most successful shows, and last month saw CBS jump into the fray with "Supergirl." With "Daredevil" and Jessica Jones" on Netflix, viewers are getting their fix of superhero action.
'The Originals' Season 3 Episode 8 Spoilers – Klaus Fights With Aurora; Tristan Tries to Keep Something Hidden
In the eighth episode of Season 3 of "The Originals," Klaus is forced into Aurora's devious games as he tries to get Cami from Aurora's clutches. Tristan has a secret wanted by Elijah, Freya and Hayley. They go after Tristan and try to recover this secret.
'Arrow' Season 4 Episode 8 Spoilers – Oliver and Green Arrow Team Up To Take Down Vandal Savage
The eighth episode of Season 4 of "Arrow" will continue the crossover with Flash that was titled "Legends of Today." The "Arrow" episode is titled "Legends of Yesterday" and both these episodes will set up DC's "Legends of Tomorrow," that will air next year.
'The Vampire Diaries' Season 7 Episode 8 Spoilers – Lily, Damon and Stefan Unite To Bring Down Julian
In the eighth episode of Season 7 of "The Vampire Diaries," Stefan and Damon plan something dangerous to eliminate a new threat by Julian. Valerie tells Caroline a secret that will change her life forever and will take Stefan away from her.
'Deus Ex: Mankind Divided' News – Release Pushed To August 2016 To Develop Massive Cyberpunk World.
Game developer Eidos Montreal is delaying the release date of "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided" by six months to August 2016.
'Rocket League: Chaos Run' DLC Pack To Feature Two New Vehicles & A New Map Called Wasteland
The all new, Apocalypse-themed DLC of "Rocket League" named "Chaos Run" will be coming out in December. The DLC will not only have 'Mad Max' type of vehicles but will also have features and items that are 'end of the civilized world' goodies.
'Empire' Season 2 Episode 9 Spoilers – Cookie & Her Sister's Drama Unfolds, Cookie Shocked By Laz's Secret
This season of "Empire" is heading towards its finale and it is trying to set up interesting plot points for its characters for a new season. In the upcoming episode titled "Sinned Against," sisters Cookie and Candace try to help their sister Carol, Jamal and Skye Summers share amazing moments as Laz and Cookie share a deep kiss in front of Lucious.
'Blindspot' Mid-Season Finale Spoilers – Jane & Kurt Go After Secret Spies To Stop Assassinations
The mid-season finale of "Blindspot" is titled "Evil Handmade Instrument" and has Kurt and Jane going after a sleeper cell of spies who have been activated to carry out mass assassinations.