Todd Starnes
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Marquette University Suspends Professor, Accusing Him of Homophobic Comments
Marquette University seems to be sending a message to students and faculty who support Catholic doctrine regarding marriage: if you oppose gay marriage keep your mouth shut.
Ho Ho No: School Bans Santa from Winter Concert
A Massachusetts school that advertises itself as an "inclusive community" banned Santa Claus from its annual Christmas concert in the hometown of Harvard University after someone complained.
Why Did Disney Block God?
It turns out you can give thanks for a lot of different folks on the Disney Channel website – but you can't thank God.
Parents Offended By Nutcracker Christmas Tree
We haven't even had time to hang the mistletoe and would you believe there are already skirmishes breaking out in the war on Christmas?
Library Tosses My Book, 'God Less America'
I received a Facebook message the other day from one of my readers in Cordova, Alaska.
Why Are 120 Christian College Kids Who Are Here Legally About to Get Deported?
On Sunday – Pastor Guiler delivered the bad news to his congregation – the federal government had denied their recertification for a program that allows foreign students to attend American schools.
Muslims Convince Maryland School Board to Abolish Christmas, Easter
There's a new battleground in the war on Christmas – the suburbs of our nation's capital. The school board in Montgomery County, Maryland has decided to appease Muslims families by making the school calendar — religious neutral.
School Tell Kids to Stop Praying to Jesus, Singing Amazing Grace
Christian students at a Colorado public high school were told they could no longer meet to pray, sing religious songs or discuss religious topics during free time – because such activity violated the U.S. Constitution, a lawsuit filed in federal court alleges.
Dear GOP, You Now Have a Mandate; Don't Mess It Up
We the people have given the Republican Party a mandate. And when lawmakers return to Washington they do so with orders to stop President Obama's radical agenda.
Hold Your Nose and Vote
It's Election Day and since we're all friends around here, I hope you don't mind if I cut to the chase.